JBOSS Shunning, Unloading Class SUN.REFLECT

I had this interesting problem with a major shipping/logistics company. Their application was running on Java 6, JBoss Cluster in RedHat Linux platform. Problem Statement Frequently JBoss instances were dropping off from the JBoss cluster. In JBoss terminology, it’s “shunning” (good word). After several seconds of “shunning”, JBoss instance automatically rejoins the cluster without any... Continue Reading →

Java Batch Optimization

A major shipping monopoly in North America ported their Mainframe batch (25+) jobs to Java platform. This porting was done by one of the top 3 consulting companies of India. Because of the world-class architecture, selection of frameworks and code written by them, Jobs took 16:04 hours to complete. Batch jobs that were started at... Continue Reading →


Workday, leader in cloud ERP system for Finance, HR and planning is our customer. On Feb’ 21, 2019 Workday invited our architect Ram Lakshmanan to their headquarters located in Pleasanton, CA to give guest lecture on JVM performance engineering & troubleshooting. 2 hours lecture was well received & appreciated by workday SRE and Performance engineers.... Continue Reading →

TD Bank using GCeasy

TD Bank (one of the largest bank in Canada) use our products: GCeasy, FastThread and HeapHero. Last week our architect Ram Lakshmanan was invited to TD Bank office in Toronto, Canada to give training to their Performance engineers and do critical system review (CSR) on one of their core application. TD Bank performance engineers were... Continue Reading →

CloudBees GC performance optimized

Cloudbees, who is the industry leader behind Jenkins CI/CD pipeline has optimized their garbage collection performance using GCeasy. Here is an interesting write up from Ryan Smith (CloudBees Sr. DevOps Engineer) write up on his GC performance optimization experience.

Uber Optimizes Garbage Collection Performance

Recent times, Uber has been experiencing exponential growth in its traffic. Recent spike in traffic volume exposed several memory related performance bottlenecks in their platform: long garbage collection (GC) pauses, memory corruption, out-of-memory (OOM) exceptions, and memory leaks. In this brilliant article, the Uber engineering team summarizes their optimization journey: What all the challenges they... Continue Reading →

DSquare Trading App Addressed GC Pauses

Dsquare is a highly specialized FX trading boutique. They are focused on consistently outperforming the market in short term trading. They use algorithmic trading models in the world’s biggest market-average daily volumes in foreign exchange to execute their strategies well in excess of $3 trillion. In this excellent article, Jad Sarmo, Head of Technology @ DSquare... Continue Reading →

Automobile Company Optimizes its GC Performance

One the world's largest automobile manufacturers has optimized their middleware platform's response time by several folds. This world renowned enterprise optimized their garbage collection performance using our GCeasy tool and was able to reduce their overall application's response time by a stunning 49.46% When you optimize Garbage collection performance, you are not only improving the... Continue Reading →

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